make up

this is my second make up tutorial. i hope the resolution is pretty clear to watch. :)

what I wear is:
-Olay moisturizer
-premier by Bareminerals
-foundation powder by Bare minerals
-foundation cream by Wardah
-shading powder by Bareminerals
-Mineral veil by Bareminerals
-eye shadow by Wardah
-blush on by Wardah
-lipstick by Sephora
-lip gloss by make up forever
-finishing powder by Wardah


6 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. sini sini sini diajarinn!! mau kapan??

    2. 2 minggu-an lagi yoook.. weekend due minggu ini aku sok banyak acara banget niiih :((((

    3. boleh boleh..kabarin aja ya ayu sayang. mari belajar make up!!! aku pun tak bisa make up, proyek isengan ini the :((((

  2. jd lipgloss dulu br lipstik ya?
    ayo bikin lg cha.. tp kali ini pake ada suara penjelasan dr elunyaa..

    1. ga mau ah, malu. suara gue aneh kalo direkam. OH PENJELASANNYA SAMBIL NYANYI AJA GIMANA?
